速報APP / 生產應用 / Notepad - Colorful Notepad Notes

Notepad - Colorful Notepad Notes





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:Beijing, China

Notepad - Colorful Notepad Notes(圖1)-速報App

Taking notes with Notepad is easier than any other apps.


It features two basic note taking formats, a lined-paper styled text option, and a checklist option. Add as many as you want to your list, which appears on the app's home screen each time the app opens. This list will be viewed in traditional ascending order.


Notepad - Colorful Notepad Notes(圖2)-速報App

#Organize notes by color.

#Checklist notes for To do list & Shopping list.

#Checklist notes to get things done.

#List/Grid View.

Notepad - Colorful Notepad Notes(圖3)-速報App

#Quick memo / notes.

How to use

->Taking a Note

Serving as a simple word processing program, the text option allows for as many characters as you're willing to type. Once saved, you can edit, share, set a reminder, or check off or delete the note through your device's menu button. When checking off a text note, the app places a slash through the list's title, and this will be displayed on the main menu.

Notepad - Colorful Notepad Notes(圖4)-速報App

->Making To do List & Shopping List

In the checklist mode, you can add as many items as you'd like and arrange their order with drag buttons activated in the edit mode. After the list is finished and saved, you may check or uncheck each line on your list with a quick tap, which will toggle a line slash. If all items have been checked, then the list's title is slashed as well.

Notepad - Colorful Notepad Notes(圖5)-速報App